Sunday, May 24, 2020

First Week back at School After Lockdown

Our first week back at school after lockdown in Alert Level 2 has been a little bit different. Some of our friends have to leave early with their younger brothers and sisters. When we leave our classrooms we all go over to Dawson field and our whānau picks us up from there.
We wash our hands or use hand sanitizer before we go into our classrooms, before we eat, after we go to the toilet, and before we use devices. 

We also have to bring a named drink bottle or cup as we can't use the drinking fountains.

 We have been looking at our blog and our online learning tasks from the rāhui/lockdown time and sharing our experiences.

Our projector has decided not to work so we have been working in groups in room 7. We are having fun making props for our characters and acting out the story about the giant that has tantrums. Together we have designed the setting for the story Thistle Mountain.


  1. I enjoyed seeing everyone's faces again
    From JAKE

  2. And now were happy that we got a new tv we loved our new tv.

  3. I likeed comeing back to school because I mes my frieds.from cathrine

  4. First week back at school was a game changer. like when the first time we did e-ako
    it was so fun and i was so happy to see my friends again. like Nixon Jason,Jake
    most av all my teacher Whaea Kat

  5. It was intestiting watching how people do darma and acting.

  6. I had fun doing the science box I think the best activity was when we had to make are butterfly go up an down. room 8 Jason.
