Monday, October 27, 2014

New writing prompts in Room 10

Miss Suze went on a teacher learning course last term and is sharing with us cool new ideas to add more "detail" into our writing.

The 5 senses we already use in our writing to create a mental picture in our readers minds are..

  • things we see around us
  • things we hear (noises, sounds)
  • things we smell
  • things we feel
  • things we taste
We have been learning about these throughout the  year and now we are adding even more detail including
  • things we are thinking at the time
  • what we were doing (actions, body language)
  • what we were feelding inside
  • what we were saying and how we said it
We practiced using the prompts when we were writing a moment in time about Tee Ball.

We are crafting our writing and watch this space to read some of new and improved writing with EXTRA detail.

Miss Suze now draws little pictures like the symbols on the chart in our books to give us good ideas if we need them.

We have highlighter goals at the top of our books we can see every time we write. At the end of writing time we look at our goal and think about how we did with that goal today. This is called a reflection (like in a mirror, we look and think about what we've done)

First it is crafting time when we use green pen to cross words out and choose better words or when we add more detail.

When it is editing time we collect dictionaries to check our spelling. We use green pen to make changes. We read our work out loud to ourselves to check it makes sense.

After we have crafted our work (made it better) and 
edited our work (checked it makes sense and you can read the words) we share it with a buddy to get feedback.

Feedback is reading your work aloud and talking about what makes it a good piece of writing. It is positive and kind.

Feedback is 2 Stars and a Wish
2 Stars are 2 things that the author has done well in their writing and you can tell by looking at the learning goals, WALTs, Success Criteria and the writing prompts to see if they have all the things they need.

A Wish is something the author could work on next time they are writing.

Welcome back to Term 4 - PMI of the first week

We have 9 weeks and 1 day in Term 4. 
There are a lot of things happening this term for example -

Week 1-4 - Testing, Testing, Testing for reports like PAT maths, e-asTTle reading, Probe reading, Burt, Gloss maths, IKAN maths, Schonell spelling
Week 2 - Cricket and Touch team start
Week 3 - Labour Day (another day off)
Week 5 - Tee Ball tournament
Week 8 - Whanau sports (athletics) and Prizegiving

Positive +
We get to play tee-ball every morning.
The pressure of the Operetta is now over.
We get to do an activity about our holidays.
We are going on a class trip this term.

Minus -
It sometimes gets SO hot.
Miss Suze forgot about our cricket skills that we were supposed to do.
We did a thing for reading and it was called speed dating which was kind of weird.

Interesting ? !
Miss Suze started reading us a book (Hatchet by Gary Paulsen) and it started with a lot of action but some other books build up to it. Then We got really hooked in.
Some of the people that were doing tee-ball for the first time were actually pretty good.
We do a PMI chart after every week.

Act 4 Lost Property Box by Room 10