Monday, September 15, 2014

It's show time!!

Room 10 are writing reviews of our Operetta - "Money Doesn't Grow on Trees" here is a taste of what they had to say about the full dress rehearsal today.......

Bright lights red, orange and blue. The dancers walk on stage (really fast) the blue light shien at hte dancers to make it look like they are glowing. The music starts suddensly, their heads snap up in unison.

I rate the Operetta * * * * * (5 stars) a 5/5. 

The spot light grows bigger and brighter as the dancers grooved around the stage. I liked Elizabeth, Pengshen and Tylah- Dawn because they had beautiful expression in their voices and also they had really good body movement.

Now who was my favourite actor? Well that's a hard decision because everyone was very good, no they were great, not great ..perfect. So I'm going to have to say Pengshen because he stood out wherever he was, he has good expressions and he somehow always had just the right tone for the scene. Now my favourite act, this is even harder, wait no it's not (for me) it's easy Room 12 because it was really thought through and just a groovey song and all the acting was great. It had a good message which was there's many ways to earn money. It was just the perfect act for the Operetta.

Room 9 did an awesome thing, they pretended to sell loom bands but they have no money. Their song is S.A.V.E I think that's cool.

Come and see the show for youself! 

Buy tickets at the office - don't miss out.

Show times are -

Tuesday, 16 October @  9.45am and 7pm
Wednesday 17 October @ 1pm and 7pm
Thursday 18 October @ 7pm


  1. Room 10 you were awesome on stage at the Operetta last night. Your class and your whole school put on a wonderful show with some EXCELLENT messages about making good choices with Money! Loved all the singing, dancing and Kapahaka. Well done to all involved!

  2. Great reviews Room 10 and a great item of course!~
