Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Tuakana - Teina

Between akomanga 17 and akomanga 18 there is a hub space which we are using before school.  It is an area where we can read, draw, play, talk and work with our friends. We are learning to introduce ourselves to others, ask patai (questions) and make new friends. We are working on our tukana-teina relationships. Here are some of us exploring and building with the new magnets.

Wednesday, March 3, 2021


This year we have a mixed media approach to producing self portraits. We took head shot photos and then slipped them into clear file pockets. Then we used a sharpie to outline our head and shoulders. Next we chose three colours to paint parts of our face. The final step was to lay our painting on top of one of five different coloured backgrounds and select the one that made our work stand out the best. Come into our class to have a look at the finished work on or wall.