Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Olympic medalist, Commonwealth Games medalist and World Champion Cyclist Alison Shanks visits Kauri Team


  1. Wow It must feel good to be with Alison Shanks you guys are the best be proud :D

    Connor Room 9

  2. We loved Ali coming in. I got to feel the cold solid gold medal, room 10 learnt so much about Ali's adventure going around different country's and representing New Zealand by Alaa room 10

  3. We loved Ali coming in. I got to feel the cold solid gold medal, room 10 learnt so much about Ali's adventure going around different country's and representing New Zealand by Alaa room 10

  4. It was amazing to met a great role model like Alison shanks. She told us all about how she set her goals and why she changed from a netballer to a cyclist.It's funny cause she where's nothing under her suit and theres a squishy thing where she sit's to give her bottom support.
    Lyrica rm10

  5. Miss Suze I learned all about Alison Shanks. That her bikes does not have brakes. In her out fit she has a pad thats like a nappies because the seat is very hard. she can't eat mcdonlds before running her bike.
    by Jisu rm10
