Wednesday, February 20, 2013


This morning Room 10 went to visit our buddy class, Room 13.

We were very excited because we knew that some of their chicks had hatched.

When we arrived we could hear the chicks chirping away. When we looked in the incubator we saw there are still two eggs that haven't hatched. One of the chicks in the egg is working hard to break the shell. Altogether there are ten chicks and two eggs.

Room 10 have a new task. We are going to design and build a chicken coop for Room 13's chicks.


  1. Hi!
    Room10 I love the chicks so very much.all weekend.I have been thinking about the chicken coop.I hope the chickens survive the heat.The chicks are so sofe like my black and white fluffy bunny rabbit.
    From Lacey

  2. Ooh they are so cute together. from Chloe in room8

  3. Wow! They look so Cute. I hope you liked watching them.

    from Laura Rm 8

  4. Hi room 10
    I wish I was there to see them hatch but I was sick but they're so cute.
    From Emily
    room 10

  5. Wow that is a lot of cute chicks.

    From Saalihah Rm 8

  6. Room 10 you are lucky that you're room 13's buddy class. The chicks look so cute.
    Tremaine room8

  7. Those chicks look cute. I remember when they hadn't grown with their big chicken wings. The thing that happened to 12th chick is so sad. I could see chick poop on the fourth picture. Allyana Room 8

  8. You're all so lucky you get to make a chicken coop. I wish I could help too

    From:Felicia room8
