Tuesday, November 16, 2021

The Day the Crayons Quit

Today the story for you to listen to is:

The Day the Crayons Quit

Here are some tasks to do:

Write a new letter from one of the other crayons to Duncan. Illustrate the letter with drawings only using that coloured crayon.

Yellow and Orange crayons have an argument about the colour of the sun. What colour is the sun? How can you prove your answer?

Write Duncan's replies to the crayons' letters.

Find out about colour. What is it? Why do we see things in different colours?

Write a story about a magic, multi-coloured crayon. What might happen to the person that uses it?

Design a box or packet or pencil case to keep your crayons in. Use lots of colour.

Find the synonyms for different colours (eg red = crimson, rose, cherry etc). Make a colour thesaurus that you can refer to in your own writing.

Build something out of crayons. Take a photo of it.

Create a poster that teaches children about primary, secondary and tertiary colours.

Use paint to create many different shades of the same colour.

Design a new wrapper for the peach crayon.

Have fun! Send me photos of your creations to put on the blog.

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