We were so excited when the extremely heavy box arrived from the House of Science with five exciting experiments inside.

On the box it said - May the Force be with You. So we were curious about what was inside.
Things that are hanging, sitting, balancing, moving, and spinning are all using some kind of force.
A force is a pulling or pushing action that can make things move.
The first thing we did was use a rope to discover forces. We had turns playing tug of war with the rope either against one other person or another team of four. We noticed that people that had more success and were able to unbalance their opponent had a stable stance, generally lower to the ground, and used their whole body to lean back. It was interesting that some of the smallest people in our class had the best technique.
We could see that if the two students were of a similar size or strength that the rope would mostly stay in one place. This was a balanced force.
When the forces were unequal or unbalanced then there was movement or motion. That sometimes caused people to fall over.