Monday, October 27, 2014

Welcome back to Term 4 - PMI of the first week

We have 9 weeks and 1 day in Term 4. 
There are a lot of things happening this term for example -

Week 1-4 - Testing, Testing, Testing for reports like PAT maths, e-asTTle reading, Probe reading, Burt, Gloss maths, IKAN maths, Schonell spelling
Week 2 - Cricket and Touch team start
Week 3 - Labour Day (another day off)
Week 5 - Tee Ball tournament
Week 8 - Whanau sports (athletics) and Prizegiving

Positive +
We get to play tee-ball every morning.
The pressure of the Operetta is now over.
We get to do an activity about our holidays.
We are going on a class trip this term.

Minus -
It sometimes gets SO hot.
Miss Suze forgot about our cricket skills that we were supposed to do.
We did a thing for reading and it was called speed dating which was kind of weird.

Interesting ? !
Miss Suze started reading us a book (Hatchet by Gary Paulsen) and it started with a lot of action but some other books build up to it. Then We got really hooked in.
Some of the people that were doing tee-ball for the first time were actually pretty good.
We do a PMI chart after every week.

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