Friday, November 11, 2011

Making Connections Evaluation

We learnt SO many new things during our Making Connections unit - from learning a cultural dance to skyping a teacher in Ireland, making presentations, learning words from other languages, meeting children from other schools in Hamilton and then all the way from Japan!!! We had so many exciting learning opportunities. We have put all our learning together based on de Bono's 6 Thinking Hats.

Take a look and see all the learning we did!


  1. I loved reading about all the new things you have learned! Well done Room 10! Looking forward to chatting to you during your slumber party!!
    Erin Dolan, Ireland.

  2. Thank you It was very fun writing about what we thought of making connections.

    PS miss O'Neil thought it was very doughtfull that we were gonna have a slumber party. Very good ider though.

    From Aaliyah
