Saturday, February 29, 2020

Self Portraits

We have used Cassie Stephens blog as a motivation to design and make our own portraits.
We followed the youtube clip on how to draw the face. We had to bring in lots of tables in our class so we could all work on our art at the same time.

We could choose whether we wanted to draw with a pencil or felts. We learnt about different shapes like the football shape for the eye and colours.
Did you know that there are

  • primary colours - red, blue, yellow
  • secondary colours - green, orange, purple
You need to mix the primary colours to make secondary colours.
Once we had drawn the face we covered the lines with a mixture of black paint and pva glue. Then we used the chalk pastels to blend and smoosh the colours together. It was such a fun process and we have displayed them all in the class.


  1. i really loved when we did the pottraits i really want to do one again but this time want to do our hole body-Rhea.

  2. I really liked doing the portraits i would like to do a another one but this time i would like to do the hole body-Rhea-room8-
