Monday, November 14, 2016

Mindfulness - About the brain

What is a neuron?
Where do we find them?
Did you know that we have between 60-90 billion neurons in your brain?
If you counted to 1 billion it would take 33 years.
It would take about 1980 years to count to 60 billion


Neurons create pathways.

We create pathways in our brain.
We need to shape and create our thoughts so that we have stronger pathways and then we believe the positive emotions that make us a better person.

It is important to tell ourselves good things.

eg I am really good at maths.

Mindfulness helps us to grow strong pathways to focus.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

We love writing

We are always keen to write and even more excite when we have some great motivation. We watched a clip about Pandas and then had to choose a perspective to write from, either the panda or the zookeeper.