Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Our Dramatic Bridges!

We have learnt so much this term about bridges. We now know many different types and how they are built. We know the construction that goes on beneath them and we know what helps to keep them stable above the road.

We have learnt the meaning of words like: girders, span, piers, tied, abutments and many more.
We made ourselves into bridges too. We wonder if you can tell which bridges we are?


  1. Hi! Room 10,
    It looked liked you had a lot of fun making bridges with other people. We laughed when we saw you all holding each other. We were impressed how you could make yourselves look like different types of bridges. We had fun guessing the types of bridges you were.
    From Room 14

  2. Hey Room10

    Wow room10 you frightened me when
    you did those bridges. I thought you were
    standing on the bridges.

    from Tayla room13

  3. You look like amazing bridges. You are such colourful bridges I can't tell what bridges you are. Are you arch bridges, or beam bridges, or suspension bridges?

    from Makaela Room 13.

  4. Cool looks fun.What kind of bridge was the one with Kallista and Sydney holding Jaedyn. From Tare

  5. The bridge that you are asking about is a suspension bridge. Jaedyn's arms are longer now!!!!

  6. Wow you guys are very CREATIVE with your human bridges!

    From Nasra

  7. WOW I see why it is called dramatic bridges nice work

    Jarvia Room 11

  8. wow your class is very creative!! from stella :)
