Monday, February 21, 2022

Whiteboard Portraits

We have been looking at self portraits. We watched this video and then had fun making our own portraits using a whiteboard. 

We had some issues with the pens not always working or rubbing out what we had already drawn. It was fun drawing in a different way using different media.

Here are some of our portraits below.

You should watch the video and have a go too. It's lots of fun.

Thursday, February 17, 2022


Whaea Kat's sister Bronwyn sewed some material masks for the students in our room. 

We now have enough for everyone in the class to have one if they would like one.  

We were allowed to draw designs on them.

Thanks Bronwyn!
Before we got to draw designs on the masks.

Monday, February 14, 2022

Building Shapes

One of our math tasks this week was to work together to make shapes using skipping ropes. We weren't allowed to let the skipping rope go. It was quite easy to make a rectangle but making a square have the exact same length sides was tricky. So was making a 5 pronged star. We had to communicate with our group to make decisions.

Sunday, February 13, 2022

Baby Hedgehog

Lots of students came inside all excited saying that they had found a baby hedgehog by the big mural at the end of the basketball court. The little hedgehog was fascinating to watch, to see it move, snuffle and curl up into a ball. We weren't sure why it would be awake during the day as hedgehogs are nocturnal, maybe it was sick. It got moved to the other side of the metal fence but later in the day it had moved itself back into a nice hole in the wood to have a sleep.

Our class had lots of discussions about what it looked like as well as lots of quick looks outside to check no one was touching it.

Look how cute the baby hedgehog looks curled up in the leaves.

We also did some writing about it using the chrome books.

Monday, February 7, 2022

Being back at Kura and learning about the Toolkit

We have had two days at kura getting to know one another, getting used to rules and routines and remembering to wear our masks in the classroom. 

Before school we are able to draw, build with lego, play games on the courts or inside, read, talk to our friends, use the juggling balls among other things and just generally chill out before the day starts.

Drawing and sketching.

Checking out the lego.

Building with the magnets.

Basketball is always fun.

We have been learning about the Hamilton East School Toolkit.

In groups we talked about what each one of these looks like to us and discussed how important the toolkit is. We will be continuing to revisit the toolkit on a daily basis over the year.

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Welcome Back for 2022

Ka tangi te tītī
Ka tangi te kākā
Ka tangi hoki ahau
Tihei mauriora! 

Ngā mihinui ki a koutou
Tēnā koutou  
Ko Taranaki te maunga
Ko Waitara te awa
Ko Tokomaru te waka
Ko Te Ātiawa te iwi
Ko Ngāti Rāhiri te hapu
Ko John toku matua
Ko Jill toku whaea
Ko Jamie raua ko Grace taku tamāhine
Ko Kat taku ingoa
Nō reira, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou katoa

Kia ora e te whanau,
Welcome to akomanga waru (room 8). My students call me Whaea Kat. I teach year 5 & 6 students of Kea hub which is in Kauri Team and support Kapa Haka in our school.
I am excited to get to know everyone and have a fantastic year of learning with the tamariki. Our year will start a little different with all of the senior students having to wear masks. It is a good idea for each student to have a water bottle as you get quite thirsty and tired trying to speak through a mask all day.
You can contact me at if you need anything.